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Vonage APIs Elevate Customer Experiences via WhatsApp Business

This article was published on August 12, 2021

As a WhatsApp Business Solution Provider, Vonage is thrilled to enable WhatsApp integration for a richer customer messaging experience.

Illustration of WhatsApp logo inside smartphone next to a business building

Today WhatsApp, the world’s largest social chat platform, announced that WhatsApp Business is available for large businesses to communicate directly with their customers. Through this limited release, qualifying companies gain access to the 1.5 billion users on the platform. As a WhatsApp Business Solution Provider, Vonage Communications APIs (formerly Nexmo) is thrilled to enable WhatsApp integration for a richer customer messaging experience.

Chatting with family and friends is ubiquitous in modern life.  It’s fast, it’s simple, and it’s convenient. And seamless chatting is exactly how customers want to communicate with businesses, too. They want immediate responses and simple communication methods. Businesses need to reach these customers on their preferred channels, so they can better reach them and provide the right type of message. This announcement means Vonage Communications APIs are better positioned than ever to help qualified companies do that via the powerful WhatsApp platform!

Take It to the Next Level

Vonage Communications APIs enhance the WhatsApp Business solution by abstracting enterprise software complexities and helping optimize messaging strategies—thus elevating user experiences.

  • Single, abstracted API. With a simple API call, businesses can easily send WhatsApp pre-set template messages without having to manage the complexity of WhatsApp Enterprise software. Businesses do not have to host, scale, or manage updates; Vonage handles that for them.
  • Optimal delivery strategies. Vonage provides optional failover to SMS. So if a message isn’t read or delivered via WhatsApp, the messages can be sent via SMS. This helps ensure that businesses are getting their messages to the customer.
  • Real-time insights. Vonage messaging APIs provide real-time delivery callbacks that provide more granularity into the status of  sent messages. A business will know if its messages were sent, delivered, read, or resulted in any applicable errors, in addition to receiving event timestamps and cost details.These key insights allow businesses to improve their messaging strategy by delivering messages on their customers’ preferred channels, while optimizing operations costs.
  • Chat security. Vonage believes in maintaining the integrity of sensitive information. So businesses (and their customers) can rest assured that customer messages are encrypted from Vonage to the user’s device.

Request Exclusive Access

Using Vonage APIs is simple. Vonage will work closely with businesses to properly onboard them with WhatsApp Business. Contact us today to get started. In the meantime, check out the documentation.

Now that’s WhatsApp.

Written by Vonage Staff